Grade 3 (kisi-kisi PAS)

 Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Nama Guru                : Nurulina Hakim, S.Pd.

Satuan Pendidikan   : SD Al Azhar 2 Bandar Lampung

Kelas/ Semester         : 3 / II

Materi                       : Kisi-Kisi PAS

Ada banyak materi baru:

Materi FOOD TECHNOLOGY (Teknologi makanan)
  1. Diary product = produk susu
  2. Cow's milk = susu sapi
Contoh soal

 Cow milk can be done with food technology. Cow's milk can be processed into various types of cheese, candy, butter, and ice cream. Dairy product is very popular with children.
Susu sapi bisa didaptkan dengan teknologi makanan. Susu sapi bisa diproses ke dalam beberapa varian seperti keju, permen, mentega, dan ice cream. Produk susu sangat populer pada anak-anak.

1. The various types of candy are.......
a. candy and biscuit
b. bread
c. ice cream and coffee

2. Cow milk can be done with .........
a. clothing technology
b. communication technology
c. food technology

Materi COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (Teknologi komunikasi)

MODERN TECHNOLOGY (Teknologi modern)
  1. Handphone
  2. Computer
  3. telephone
TRADITIONAL TECHNOLOGY (Teknologi tradisional)
  1. Kentongan
  2. bells = bel
  3. letters = surat

  1. Bicycle = sepeda
  2. Plane = pesawat
  3. motorcycle = motor
  4. dll

  1. Skirt = rok
  2. Shirt = kemeja
  3. Shorts = celana pendek
  4. Sewing clothes = alat jahit baju
  5. drying clothes = baju kering
  6. washing clothes = cuci baju
  7. Material Basic = bahan pembuatan
  8. yarn = benang
  9. cotton = kapas

Contoh pertanyaan :
  1. What basic material to make clothes? (apa bahan pembuatan baju)
a. yarn
b. cotton
c. milk

If you have any questions, just contact me through WA

Thank you Semangat


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